Thursday, December 27, 2012

"What Motivates You?"

Employers are looking for people who are keen to make a difference to their organisation. So if you aren’t terribly motivated by work and the only thing that keeps you going is the thought of leaving your workplace at the end of the day, keep that to yourself. 

One trick is to say that you are motivated when you get to use the kinds of skills that the employer is looking for. For instance, if the employer requires someone with customer service skills, then – hey presto – it may be wise to say something along the lines of:

"I really enjoy spending time with people and get a buzz out of dealing with customers and sorting out their problems. I hate it when I feel that I’m not doing my best on behalf of customers"
Other good answers include:

1- Recognition: While many interviewers consider it gauche to say that you are motivated by money, you can say that you like to have your good work recognized by your boss, peers, or clients.

2- Making a difference: Especially in the charity or non-profit sector, saying that you are motivated by the pursuit of the organisation’s goals is a good idea.

3- Challenge: Another good answer is to say that you enjoy getting fully caught up in solving problems and getting to the bottom of difficult situations.

4- Self-development: Employers like candidates who want to further their own learning and development. Do bear in mind the nature of the role that you are applying for, though. A management training scheme is likely to provide you with much more by way of development opportunities than, say, an office data entry job.

5- Money: Only when going for a sales job should you talk about the fact that you are motivated by financial reward. In fact, many sales people are suspicious of candidates who say that they are not motivated by money and the luxuries that money can allow you to buy.

Don’t just memorise one of these answers by heart. Take a moment to figure out what really motivates you – you’ll sound much more genuine.


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